Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 11, 2019

All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt is now available at Wisptees

Proceed to store here: All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt

I don't believe any of them,  every general election is the same old sing-song of what they are all going to do best for the human race and as always failing to keep the the promises they so quickly spill from their mouths. I'm voting Green party. I'm done and over Brexit! Voted remain but we did vote to leave so I think we should but hey what even is democracy in this country. I do wish the green party would team up with someone who has more know-how with some of the other issues that they are probably not so well equipt to tackle. I did think that there were talks of the All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt Dems joining forces with the greens but I haven't heard anything about that for a long time. Bellinger, please don’t inflict the Green Party on the country. We voted them in to run Brighton and it was an absolute nightmare from day one. 

They bankrupted us caused untold problems with the traffic systems antagonized the council workers and made us the laughing stock of the country. We are still suffering now from their policies. It’s getting closer to the Now that’s what I call Xmas CD and festive films. The politicians can repeat the cliches and the All I want for Christmas is a Niffler sweater old nonsense because I personally will be switching over channels. The only people I want to see at my front door is the postman, friends and carol singers. To have an election this time of year was deeply insensitive. People need a break!! I want Mince pies. They open their mouths and drivel come out , they will do what they want to do for themselves, not for the electorate, they have all shown themselves up for the type of people they are.

You can see the official design here: All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here:

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 11, 2019

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt is now available at Kingtees. 
Proceed to store here: Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

You put up the video yet lie so blatantly about it? One or two people near the camera booed twice but the crowd was cheering the man all the way, wish he entered the ring to knock out other presidential or get knocked out himself, let the fight begin god bless America. Do you remember how the Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt said Iran keeps attacking ships then Donald Trump said he didn’t want a war fired Bolton and Iran just stopped attacking ships? Jason Michael Bruce what a grave time we are in. My heart breaks. I am a Republican and a 26-year vet. Let the Constitution speak. Carl Woodhouse Big Talk from behind your phone Carl, it really takes a man to admit that he has very low Self-esteem such as yourself. Shivam Ramjagassar No Shivtard you getting it mixed up , That’s what you have between your legs and In your case between your ears. Imma just says the boos were not as satisfying as they were in the world series. Trumps in his element, what can you expect, he appeals to angry white guys. 

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt, Ladies and Sweater, Hoodie, Long Sleeved

Please donate online to Port Macquarie koala hospital any amount you can afford. Greatly appreciated by the fantastic staff. It will buy medical supplies and other essentials. Thank you so much. If the Greens Party and the do-gooders would allow back burning during the winter months over here in Australia, the bush fires in summer wouldn’t be so severe and not as many koalas would be lost.

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

You can see the official design here: Pittsburgh Bus Sorry I’m late n’at my ride fell through Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt