Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 11, 2019

All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt is now available at Wisptees

Proceed to store here: All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt

I don't believe any of them,  every general election is the same old sing-song of what they are all going to do best for the human race and as always failing to keep the the promises they so quickly spill from their mouths. I'm voting Green party. I'm done and over Brexit! Voted remain but we did vote to leave so I think we should but hey what even is democracy in this country. I do wish the green party would team up with someone who has more know-how with some of the other issues that they are probably not so well equipt to tackle. I did think that there were talks of the All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt Dems joining forces with the greens but I haven't heard anything about that for a long time. Bellinger, please don’t inflict the Green Party on the country. We voted them in to run Brighton and it was an absolute nightmare from day one. 

They bankrupted us caused untold problems with the traffic systems antagonized the council workers and made us the laughing stock of the country. We are still suffering now from their policies. It’s getting closer to the Now that’s what I call Xmas CD and festive films. The politicians can repeat the cliches and the All I want for Christmas is a Niffler sweater old nonsense because I personally will be switching over channels. The only people I want to see at my front door is the postman, friends and carol singers. To have an election this time of year was deeply insensitive. People need a break!! I want Mince pies. They open their mouths and drivel come out , they will do what they want to do for themselves, not for the electorate, they have all shown themselves up for the type of people they are.

You can see the official design here: All I want for Christmas is a Niffler shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here:

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 11, 2019

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt is now available at Kingtees. 
Proceed to store here: Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

You put up the video yet lie so blatantly about it? One or two people near the camera booed twice but the crowd was cheering the man all the way, wish he entered the ring to knock out other presidential or get knocked out himself, let the fight begin god bless America. Do you remember how the Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt said Iran keeps attacking ships then Donald Trump said he didn’t want a war fired Bolton and Iran just stopped attacking ships? Jason Michael Bruce what a grave time we are in. My heart breaks. I am a Republican and a 26-year vet. Let the Constitution speak. Carl Woodhouse Big Talk from behind your phone Carl, it really takes a man to admit that he has very low Self-esteem such as yourself. Shivam Ramjagassar No Shivtard you getting it mixed up , That’s what you have between your legs and In your case between your ears. Imma just says the boos were not as satisfying as they were in the world series. Trumps in his element, what can you expect, he appeals to angry white guys. 

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt, Ladies and Sweater, Hoodie, Long Sleeved

Please donate online to Port Macquarie koala hospital any amount you can afford. Greatly appreciated by the fantastic staff. It will buy medical supplies and other essentials. Thank you so much. If the Greens Party and the do-gooders would allow back burning during the winter months over here in Australia, the bush fires in summer wouldn’t be so severe and not as many koalas would be lost.

Eggplant Hung like Epstein shirt

You can see the official design here: Pittsburgh Bus Sorry I’m late n’at my ride fell through Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 10, 2019

Adam Eaton Howie Kendrick Washington DC Clutch Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Adam Eaton Howie Kendrick Washington DC Clutch Shirt is now available at Kingtees.
Proceed to store here: Adam Eaton Howie Kendrick Washington DC Clutch Shirt

Adam Eaton Howie Kendrick Washington DC Clutch Shirt
Let’s ban them on TV too. The election season would be so much better and peaceful!  Also, ingenuity on how to reach the voters will be more important than money better yet, set a cap on how much any candidate can spend on each phase of the election, say, in primaries. That way, they would stop being dependent on corporate donors. Liu INan  You know you’re on the page right. Only America has that insane spending. for the Adam Eaton Howie Kendrick Washington DC Clutch Shirt election would land you in some pretty hot water as a candidate for parliament. Andrew Cassells, it's up to you to set the cap as it fits your country's situation.  the idea is to set a cap on advertising spending. Agreed to ban all political adverts and propaganda from the public domain, tv radio, and internet. It has become totally corrupted by media .the written word should be the only way as you have to be able to read to make a discerning choice. probably u or none of ur family members own a channel. do u have any idea how much the channels would lose in revenue?

Source: Furyteeshirt

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 10, 2019

Jesus loves you but I don’t go fuck yourself shirt

We need more celebrities to come forward and support climate issues! With their platforms, we can reach more people, raise awareness, and get people to start working together on this critical issue. Jane Fonda is not a good spokesperson for this campaign or protest. Just like it would have been better if somebody other than Al Gore narrated the movie An Inconvenient Truth. But, it doesn’t mean what they are saying is bogus. Jennifer Saeger yeah well they have a tv in every room latest iPad iPhone fancy clothes make up and shoes. They live in energy-sucking houses and own several cars and fly almost everywhere. And they have the Jesus loves you but I don’t go fuck yourself shirt to preach about climate change. Get a freaking grip! Walk the talk or shut. Sandie York, it's not about using technology it's about changing how we power all that. We need to switch over to ecofriendly sources of power and energy. Mike Mcmanus no real science has already proven for decades what we are facing. Don't be fooled by all the denier nonsense out there.
Jesus loves you but I don't go fuck yourself shirt

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 10, 2019

I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me shirt

Buy it: I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me shirt

I am not so nieve as the think the media was totally truthful , however I do feel that since the internet has taken over the newspaper role as a source of news and the speed at which it's updated to be almost live has resulted in fewer checks on the quality and validity of the I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me shirt before it put out there. News delivery is a business and our lack of attention span. There's a big difference between good factual investigative journalism which I tototally support and the personal hounding of people for no good reason other than a malicious headline that sells copies. 

I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me shirt

I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me shirt, Sweater, Hoodie and Long Sleeved 

Sadly as has been brutely exposed in the UK media the media has a strong political bias which often presents information with a certain slant or even worse incorrect unsubstantiated information is presented as fact. In my opinion, the press and the media have themselves to blame if laws have been introduced to curtail their poor activity. Stick to the truth and facts with no spin and everyone will be happy.
I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me shirt

See more: I am a Disney Princess unless Harry Potter needs me sweater

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 9, 2019

All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Chiefs And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt

Susan Eack I'm still laughing at what you wrote I'm not sure if that's the most ignorant or the funniest stuff I've ever read was about to respond to you then I stopped myself.  I decided not to stoop to your extremely low level. Yep, a cat-loving troll. Seen it all now. Thinking I need to vomit a hairball be right back.Andy Miller, who you calling an idiot? Your emperor has no brain Susan Each about 63 million the last election, give or take or about 3 million less than the All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Chiefs And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt who are informed. My God, can't see what is going on in life is a tragic way to live. I see with one good eye and hear what's going on, its very simple. what the Dems want socialism. You must want that. I wonder how much this is going to cost America to get him to support him. You have to wonder promised him if he gets elected and has his support. Anyone who deals with, and believes anything he says, is a sucker.

All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Chiefs And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt

All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Chiefs And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt, Sweater and Hoodie, Ladies

A women Trump Supporter You are Disgusting! Shouldn't you cooking, cleaning and staying quiet and in your place. Take your cues from Melania and be seen Not heard! Sheila Daniel oh and you're probably one of the women that's always in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant living off of food stamps in the state o and cheap housing to while we're at it don't judge me you don't know Susan Each You like to lie.
All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Chiefs And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt

See more:  All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Chiefs And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt
From: Shop Funny Shirt

Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 9, 2019

I’m a Ohio State Buckeyes in Saturdays and a Cleveland Browns in Sundays Shirt

Don’t get me wrong tough. I still love the early seasons I'm 35 and its always been my favorite show. I even have a tattoo Born in 92 and love friends I've seen each episode so many times. I'm always shocked when I meet people my age or slightly younger who have never seen it hadn't noticed until someone said that they didn't have smartphones back in those days! Funny to see how kids today react when the see how life was without smartphones. I was talking to a 17-year-old the other day because I read central perk shirt out loud and she was like the I’m a Ohio State Buckeyes in Saturdays and a Cleveland Browns in Sundays Shirt perk was like a coffee shop in this show called Friend's like I didn't know that I'm 39  I know what Friend's is gees child. This show is like matchbox-20’s 6am.  Sure it is good enough to get caught up in because mostly it is inoffensive to everyone. It isn’t great, it is definitely not the worst, it just happens to be something people can Identify with because all the plots are incredibly basic ideas.

I'm a Ohio State Buckeyes in Saturdays and a Cleveland Browns in Sundays Shirt

Buy it: I’m a Ohio State Buckeyes in Saturdays and a Cleveland Browns in Sundays Shirt

See more: I’m a Ohio State Buckeyes in Saturdays and a Cleveland Browns in Sundays Sweater

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 9, 2019

Pennywise Reflection Water mirror The Clown Shirt

Buy it: Pennywise Reflection Water mirror The Clown Shirt

The media is the only way the public gets the information he does have an obligation to be honest to the media if he has no obligation to be truthful, how can anyone on trial have an obligation to be truthful, you do have an obligation, to tell the truth, buddy. What on earth. No assistant to the Grand Wizard of Pennsylvania Avenue has an obligation, to tell the truth. We all have an obligation, to tell the truth every time it is required of us by Heavenly Father. Further it makes us believable and trustworthy, hopefully, now that the Pennywise Reflection Water mirror The Clown Shirt knows he will not be truthful with them, I hope they will all refrain from ever interviewing him again. Also, he wants to be a Senator? Who wants another Senator who is only going to lie! We have enough of those already.
Pennywise Reflection Water mirror The Clown Shirt

Pennywise Reflection Water mirror The Clown Shirt, ladies, and sweater, hoodie

But I have to say how smart our Congressmen and women are. I hope all media bans Lewandowski from their shows. We the People don’t need to listen to lies from him, we get enough from.  Another good reason to Vote Blue in. How can he use executive privilege as a defense if he’s never been part of the executive branch? Finally some straight talk from a top Kofficial.

Pennywise Reflection Water mirror The Clown Hoodie

Source: Hannatees

Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 9, 2019

Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt is now available at Kingtees.
Proceed to store here: Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt 

Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt

It’s been a long time since I’ve been around young children for an extended period but I know children are reared to obey adults, not dictate to adults. He may be begging for a haircut at home but she likes him with it long, who knows. The woman said she was going to braid the boy’s hair from now on but she was still going to fight. She never said anything about the Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt prefers to wear a ponytail, she only said what she was going to do. You guys just can't stand all the good things a black man did for our country, can you? When the GOP is out we will run you racist all back into the dark where you belong. You won't be out and proud racist when white nationalism is declared what it is a terrorist group.

Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt

Let’s also keep in mind that this is one of his first school experiences, and will shape his opinion of school and himself as a learner. I’m disgusted by the school thinking his hairstyle matters. They should be building him up to feel confident as a student. This is a major failure of the school district, and obviously racist as well. I wish I could be his teacher, and support him in every way so he knows he’s awesome. I do think that his grandmother is making up for the damage done by the school. She’s showing him that she has his back.

You can see the official design here: Stephen King Horror Friends Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt 

Official Stephen King Friends Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Official Stephen King Friends Shirt is now available at Kingtees.

Proceed to store here: Official Stephen King Friends Shirt

Official Stephen King Friends Shirt

Or how about his real-life passions of driving drunk and robbing people's homes. Great candidate, you got there. David Geyer. Beto’s past is fine. But please feel free to soothe your worries about Beto, by lying to yourself and trying to convince yourself that there is something untoward in his past that will stop his ascent. But more importantly, for the trump crowd who always claims that no one expected Trump to win but somehow he still did. Lori Gibson more dear have died in gun-free Chicago.

Official Stephen King Friends Shirt

She’s showing him that she has his back, loves him the way he is and she will fight for him. She’s amazing and I hope this works in their favor. What business is it of the school how the kid keeps his hair. For an institution that’s meant to be focused solely on education, this school system seems to have a lot of free time on their hands to be concerned about the personal fashions choices of the children placed in their charge.

You can see the official design here: Official Stephen King Friends Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Miceshirt

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 9, 2019

Hard Rock Cafe Neverland Shirt

Buy iy: Hard Rock Cafe Neverland Shirt

If the Hard Rock Cafe Neverland Shirt truly didn't want it then they could have risen up against their government, but they didn’t. They instead continued with their imperial claims because it was making them rich. Again, you reap what you sow.  I will never forget seeing that the Hard Rock Cafe Neverland Shirt plane hitting the Twin Towers.  May everyone who didn’t make it home to their loved ones, Rest in Eternal Peace. The World truly took a new and deadly direction that day and the racist’s hatred is still feeding off these sad events too.

See more: Hard Rock Cafe Neverland Shirt


Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 9, 2019

Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Laws are laws. My grandparents were immigrants. They received no aid. They had to pass the test in order to become American Citizens. If they failed they had to go back. English was a requirement. At any rate, they passed. It is written in our history they were so proud to be Americans. A land where they had freedom of religion. My Grandmother was widowed during the Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt depression, with five children. No aid from our Government. That wouldn't have been thought of. The family took care of the family. Working was embedded. 
Men's T-Shirt front
Working was a given. Never any complaint's. My father was four when his father died. From wounds WW I. My father and his brothers and sisters raised us to never felt on anyone. Welcome to America the legal way. It's a beautiful humble way. Proud of my German and Norwegian heritage. Proud to be American. Off my apple box. Oh, we were farmers. 
Women's T-shirt front
You can see the official design here: Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Washington Capitals Copy Halloween Freddy Krueger Jason Michael Myers Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Washington Capitals Copy Halloween Freddy Krueger Jason Michael Myers Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

My daughter is a single mother of two. She wanted to work at a prison here in Missouri until she found out that they were running 18-hour shifts. She said, no thanks, couldn't and wouldn't be away from her children that long. Here come the Washington Capitals Copy Halloween Freddy Krueger Jason Michael Myers Shirt cover stories here come the excuses Here Comes we are set up to fail it's just disgusting. They had to shut down part of that prison because they were understaffed, but they need to schedule realistic hours for people to work. Way to give an out to those in charge of keeping potentially the most damning witness in a century safe but strangely failing to do their jobs. 
Men's T-Shirt front
So now instead of focusing on finding out who else was involved with him and who could be guilty of being a pedophile, we are going to just talk about how the prisons are understaffed. I’ve literally been saying and have time-stamped comments that we should get big tech on this.
Women's T-shirt front

See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

The Outsiders Stay Gold Ponyboy Sunset Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! The Outsiders Stay Gold Ponyboy Sunset Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: The Outsiders Stay Gold Ponyboy Sunset Shirt

Immigrants who entered the United States at Ellis Island were not permitted to remain in the country if they had a contagious disease such as smallpox, yellow fever or the measles. If they were deemed likely to end up needing to receive welfare or otherwise seemed unable to provide for themselves, they would be refused admission. Finally, if they were assessed as likely to become an illegal contract laborer, they would be refused entry. People who seemed to be alien radicals were interned. The The Outsiders Stay Gold Ponyboy Sunset Shirt records of many of the immigrants who entered the country at Ellis Island has become part of its archive. 
Men's T-Shirt front
The island is a significant tourist destination. To each family give 20k in advance, give them a place to stay when they get here, pay for English lessons if they need it, co-sign for utilities, etc if they want to pay and any other debts for a couple of years, get them health care, and a vehicle.
Women's T-shirt front
You can see the official design here: The Outsiders Stay Gold Ponyboy Sunset Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Unicorn Ballet with a fuck fuck here I don’t give a fuck shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Unicorn Ballet with a fuck fuck here I don’t give a fuck shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

President Trump has delivered on his promises to the American people. The wall is getting built, the people are united and the Unicorn Ballet with a fuck fuck here I don’t give a fuck shirt racial hate that Obama was spreading has come to an end. Jobs and fair trade policies have made the US a powerhouse of democracy and freedom again. Keeping illegals out of the US is an election pledge being honored. Future generations will be inspired by President Trump’s leadership. It’s America first for the next 5 years. 
Men's T-Shirt front
Now let’s get the government to reach out to elderly and disabled local people who are US citizens qualified to get these benefits and tell American kids what their entitlements are— not so they can use them but to allow them a sense of security. We need productive members of society. We already have enough people of our own on welfare.
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Unicorn Ballet with a fuck fuck here I don’t give a fuck shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

My broom broke so now I ride a Unicorn Halloween Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! My broom broke so now I ride a Unicorn Halloween Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

You wouldn't last 3 hours working beside some of the immigrants I've seen work. Help needy Americans first. Many can't qualify for help until they lose their homes, empty their savings & have nothing. It's not fair that immigrants come here qualifying for government help, housing, medical care & food stamps. There's a lot of elderly, disabled & poor Americans who need this help as well as veterans. Sure, every legal person deserves an equal shot. The My broom broke so now I ride a Unicorn Halloween Shirt statue of Liberty quote which was made in the 1880s applied during much different times and circumstances. 
Men's T-Shirt front
Taxpayers demands were also not a major consideration. Applying standards and criteria now sounds like common sense considering the unchecked volatility and disharmony with open borders. The California AG surely is taking a blind eye to reality here. A truly great leader and role model. 
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: My broom broke so now I ride a Unicorn Halloween Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Los Angeles Dingers Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Los Angeles Dingers Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: Los Angeles Dingers Shirt

Donald Trump‘s whole gig is immigration for reason all kinds of problems in this country healthcare education environment but yet he’s digging in on immigration as though that’s our biggest problem. I’m not calling you are a racist I’m saying your comment sounds racist. but Donald Trump definitely is beating that drum to a base that clearly is. Curt Jones, you mean like the Los Angeles Dingers Shirt leaches born in America that feel entitled and are sucking on the American tit. Funny how all these raids are taking place at workplaces I’m sure your too good for but have no problem buying the cheap goods. 
Men's T-Shirt front
So there are jobs there- and with Mississippi being one of the poorest states and with the number of welfare recipients in that state- the bosses at those plants hired immigrants because of the American citizens of Mississippi - whatever their color- would rather collect welfare than work at those processing plants. 
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Los Angeles Dingers Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

International Dot Day 2019 Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! International Dot Day 2019 Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: International Dot Day 2019 Shirt

These companies directly benefit from Social Security. The companies that hire undocumented citizens are the major cause of the bilking of this country. Yet they will never be held accountable. Biggest Hat-trick is ever done .wealthy billionaires convinced a large mass of ignorant people that the problem is undocumented. The International Dot Day 2019 Shirt poorly uneducated. You do t even have the decently to fact check, open your mouth. And garbage comes out. Republicans are not even high-income earners. Democrats are. Blue States support the Red States, Oh and for you're information Baltimore is not the highest in crime, a Red State beats Baltimore. 
Men's T-Shirt front
You better check my footwork. I just left you in the dust. And many of these so-called illegal or asylum-seekers which is legal. I’m not for having drug dealers and criminals in this country but if this was about so-called murderers and reapers and drug dealers then why are we holding them and taking their children why are we not taking them immediately and sending them back.
Women's T-shirt front
 You can see the official design here: International Dot Day 2019 Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Horse Brooms are for Amateurs Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Horse Brooms are for Amateurs Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: Horse Brooms are for Amateurs Shirt

The year after Lazarus’s poem was read, the European countries met in Berlin to divide up the African continent into colonies. The New Colossus stands at the intersection of regulated U.S. immigration policy and European colonialism, long before the physical Statue of Liberty was dedicated. The Horse Brooms are for Amateurs Shirt liberal sentiments of Lazarus’s sonnet cannot be separated from these developments in geopolitics and capitalism and for that reality. Curt Jones Wow that sounds like an extremely racist comment. 
Men's T-Shirt front
I’m a property owner I have people that rent my properties and I will tell you I know a lot of entitled Americans that refuse to work and suck off Social Security disability. I asked that because there are millions and you don’t hear about ice raiding their places of work or their homes. This right here this new law kind of breaks that whole theory of we just want legal immigrants.  

Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Horse Brooms are for Amateurs Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Horror Movie Characters MCdonald Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Horror Movie Characters MCdonald Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Please don't eat the Crayolas and the Play-Doh it could be toxic for your health. And this just came out the new rule. In Berkeley California, two college students were caught smashing up the colors and then snorting them. We asked them why would you do something like that. They looked up at us and said well it's simple dude the boxes colors we are snorting them so we can see colors. Under the disguise of safety and security, Americans have lost their liberty and self-protection. Cameras, bank accounts, driver licenses, vehicle registration, and your social security information along with your social media is under attack under safety.
Men's T-Shirt front
If anyone over at CNN or commenting on this post can do 5 minutes of research on this you will find that the year before Lazarus’s poem was read at the Bartholdi Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition in New York, in 1883, the Chinese Exclusion The act became the first federal law that limited and defined immigration from a particular group, but not nearly the last law to do so.

Women's T-shirt front
 You can see the official design here: Horror Movie Characters MCdonald Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Ghost Booze Crew Camping Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Ghost Booze Crew Camping Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: Ghost Booze Crew Camping Shirt

So those that are trouble that goes to the safe rooms to color and plays with Play-Doh to get their mind off of reality we are now requesting that they check their iPods and cell phones in at the Ghost Booze Crew Camping Shirt door. Because they're not escaping reality. While they are coloring why they are playing with the Play-Doh instead of getting their mind off what is going on in the real world they see President Trump does something wonderful again for the American people and I go nuts. 
Men's T-Shirt front
The only good moves out of this it just means more jobs for psychologist and psychiatrist to put the Simple Minds back together again. So please please if you need to go to the safe room give your iPod or your cell phone to a friend. 
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Ghost Booze Crew Camping Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

12 andrew luck thank you for the memories signature shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! 12 andrew luck thank you for the memories signature shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

A lot of things, is none of my business, just the same the costs associated with such things is not my obligation to fund or pay. If you want to associate abortion the same as child and mother mortality rates, then it is time to get rid of those programs. Then we need to remove the 12 andrew luck thank you for the memories signature shirt quality of life as a factor in healthcare. Rid the notion that Social Security and Medicare people paid their whole life, can be an argument for Abortion Funding. If they’re so pro-life, they should be concerned about the state’s high infant mortality rate. Don’t need abortion laws, just end prenatal and postnatal care. 
Men's T-Shirt front
If our Child Mortality and Mother Mortality rates reflect that a third world nation, you Liberals who are not progressive but socialists did this. We realize that social media on iPads and cell phones is a problem with mental illness. We found this out in the safe rooms when those that have been troubled on what they see in the news and social media.
 Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: 12 andrew luck thank you for the memories signature shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Wonderful The dot you make your mark and see where it takes shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Wonderful The dot you make your mark and see where it takes shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

The Chinese government is evil. EVERY citizen in Mainland China has a social BEHAVIOR score; a low behavior score can mean no car or house loan, and you may not even travel to another city. There are thousands of facial-recognition cameras constantly monitoring the Wonderful The dot you make your mark and see where it takes shirt citizens. I mean, I'm sure HIGHLY trained/educated officials know the difference between a scam artist and fraudulent documents. I'm sure they wouldn't risk bringing charges against a high profile family without building a solid case. This isn't something that's done overnight. But okay, lol. Innocent until proven guilty. 
Men's T-Shirt front
I like their show, though. A little dramatic sometimes, but it's good to watch while falling asleep, lmao. hope every woman who does want to raise a child, and not give it up for adoption, but leave it on your doorstep to raise. Hope women leave their unwanted children on ur doorstep to raise if roe vs Wade is overturned.
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Wonderful The dot you make your mark and see where it takes shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt

Although, they may find other ways to get a gun or use some other way to kill a lot of people at one time, they could at least ban everyone from owning a gun that's got caught claiming they want to go on a mass shooting or if they find a list of names or type of people someone wants to kill a lot of them at one time. The Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt same applies to those threatening to shoot an officer. They also need to make absolutely sure their name goes through the system nationwide! Plus, they don't need to just slap them on the wrist. 
Men's T-Shirt front
Maybe then we may hear less about a mass shooting. Protests help the entrenchment of democracy. They are calls to draw government attention to the people's plight. They have been effectively used in Hongkong in recent times. But, is it possible to get all they wanted at once. Herein lies the need for a more responsible protest. 
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt

You will Never Worry about your life again, you won't even have to Think because I will Think for you. These Foolish people believe this One man and Surrender their Entire Country to this One man. The Trap is Closed and the people will Never see Freedom again. Now the Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt Nightmare begins. It is Completely Impossible for this one man to keep the Utopian promise that he made to these Foolish people and he begins to Fear the people who he has Deceived with his Great Lie. He gets Paranoid and begins Rounding Up anyone who he even Suspects of speaking against him. 
Men's T-Shirt front
He takes them out into the backyard and Shoots them in the head. So much for Utopia. Not all Russians are bad ppl. Just like air passengers everywhere. Give credit to pilots. Think of the fathers and mothers that will go home to families, students back to college and all on with life.
Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

The Bachelor Don’t Insult My Intelligence Derek Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! The Bachelor Don’t Insult My Intelligence Derek Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

You don’t say, you all act as you can just un-invent something, folks firearms are all around you, so is a bunch of idiots who know nothing about them. Mixed in are folks we call criminals, criminals for those who are shocked by these acts of violence don’t care much about following the The Bachelor Don’t Insult My Intelligence Derek Shirtlaws. A very small subset are law-abiding citizens that are licensed, trained, and carry a weapon if and when one of these criminals decide to commit an act of violence against them. Wake up folks, you and only you can protect you. 
Men's T-Shirt front
This guy was a career criminal with over 30 violent arrests in possession of illegal firearms. Please tell me what law would have stopped this thug. Revolving door justice is what failed here. Also real classy people of Phil. Cops are getting shot at while saving babies and you’re heckling them and throwing trash at them. Typical animals acting out.  
Women's T-shirt front
You can see the official design here: The Bachelor Don’t Insult My Intelligence Derek Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 9, 2019

Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt is now available at Kingtees.
Proceed to store here: Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt

Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt

Is a large tangle of blood vessels that form in utero. Most are not found until they rupture and once they do cause massive intercranial hemorrhage. There is no coming back from that amount of brain injury. She may have basic reflexes but no higher brain function. It's very sad, but not reversible. My heart breaks for this mother. I don’t understand the hospital’s objection. Is it pride? Fear that they’ll be proven wrong? What’s the Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt in letting her receive treatment elsewhere? It doesn’t cost the London Hospital once she’s left. I’d agree with the hospital if the mom wanted to take her home to die. But she wants to take her to a different hospital for treatment. Who the bleep made this hospital God. Why do they get to say no? They could be wrong and the Drs in Italy could be right. Good luck with your fight Mama.

Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Sweater

Who are they to say that nothing further can be done and refuse the parents the right to try to save their child? If there is no hope here then there’s no reason why the patents should be stopped from seeking treatment elsewhere. Any parent would move heaven and earth to save their child.

Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Ladies

You can see the official design here: Hard Rock Cafe Mordor Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: