ANNOUNCE!!! Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop
Proceed to store here: Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt
You will Never Worry about your life again, you won't even have to Think
because I will Think for you. These Foolish people believe this One man and
Surrender their Entire Country to this One man. The Trap is Closed and the
people will Never see Freedom again. Now the Zeke Who That’s Who Shirt Nightmare begins. It is Completely Impossible for this one man to keep the Utopian promise
that he made to these Foolish people and he begins to Fear the people who he
has Deceived with his Great Lie. He gets Paranoid and begins Rounding Up anyone
who he even Suspects of speaking against him.
He takes them out into the
backyard and Shoots them in the head. So much for Utopia. Not all Russians
are bad ppl. Just like air passengers everywhere. Give credit to pilots. Think
of the fathers and mothers that will go home to families, students back to
college and all on with life.
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop
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