Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 9, 2019

Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Laws are laws. My grandparents were immigrants. They received no aid. They had to pass the test in order to become American Citizens. If they failed they had to go back. English was a requirement. At any rate, they passed. It is written in our history they were so proud to be Americans. A land where they had freedom of religion. My Grandmother was widowed during the Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt depression, with five children. No aid from our Government. That wouldn't have been thought of. The family took care of the family. Working was embedded. 
Men's T-Shirt front
Working was a given. Never any complaint's. My father was four when his father died. From wounds WW I. My father and his brothers and sisters raised us to never felt on anyone. Welcome to America the legal way. It's a beautiful humble way. Proud of my German and Norwegian heritage. Proud to be American. Off my apple box. Oh, we were farmers. 
Women's T-shirt front
You can see the official design here: Sunflower weed You are my sunshine Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

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