Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 9, 2019

International Dot Day 2019 Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! International Dot Day 2019 Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop

Proceed to store here: International Dot Day 2019 Shirt

These companies directly benefit from Social Security. The companies that hire undocumented citizens are the major cause of the bilking of this country. Yet they will never be held accountable. Biggest Hat-trick is ever done .wealthy billionaires convinced a large mass of ignorant people that the problem is undocumented. The International Dot Day 2019 Shirt poorly uneducated. You do t even have the decently to fact check, open your mouth. And garbage comes out. Republicans are not even high-income earners. Democrats are. Blue States support the Red States, Oh and for you're information Baltimore is not the highest in crime, a Red State beats Baltimore. 
Men's T-Shirt front
You better check my footwork. I just left you in the dust. And many of these so-called illegal or asylum-seekers which is legal. I’m not for having drug dealers and criminals in this country but if this was about so-called murderers and reapers and drug dealers then why are we holding them and taking their children why are we not taking them immediately and sending them back.
Women's T-shirt front
 You can see the official design here: International Dot Day 2019 Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Kingteesshop

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