It still hurts to think that someone could do something like this to another person. It hurts to remember having to get tested twice and answer the questions about why I am getting tested when I am married. It hurts to think that my kids will forever live in two homes. It forced me out of my comfort zone and into a state of recreation of myself. I am better off today than I ever was with him in that life. I got out. I got free of Kawhi Leonard We the North shirt. I escaped. It hurts to think about how there is always a part of me that will always be on high alert and be on my guard. It hurts having to face that your entire life with someone was a lie, but it’s okay. I have made peace with it. I am not even that mad anymore. This experience forced me to change. It forced me to take charge of my life.

Buy it: Buy this Kawhi Leonard We the North shirt
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