She looked me directly in the eyes and said, and I quote, ‘Such a shame you have such nice boys you’re exposing to filth. All I could muster was, ‘excuse me. I thought I smelled or dropped some food on my shirt. She kept glaring at me and told me, you must be a Big Worm playing with my money like playing with my emotions shirt mother with all of these body mutilations.’ I was still in shock. I wasn’t really catching on to what she was getting at when she grabbed my forearm and went, ‘this task. I should call CPS and report you for harming your children. Is that your grandma’s signature? What a disgrace. My mouth absolutely fell open and I couldn’t even speak. It was like a movie happening in front of me where the sweet little old lady turned into this evil being.
Buy it: Buy this Big Worm playing with my money like playing with my emotions shirt
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